Geocycle US' digital solutions (eManifest) will lead to 90% paper reduction
For years, industrial waste generating and treatment facilities in the USA, such as Geocycle US /Systech, used multi-part paper documents to track hazardous waste shipments. However, for the past three years, the regulator -- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -- has pushed toward a fully electronic manifesting and reporting system. Working towarHolcim and Geocycle sustainability goals and ensuring compliance with the new regulations required a major capital investment and significant efforts by Geocycle/Systech plants.
The Geocycle US and Systech team recently completed a third phase of the digital solution (eManifest) aiming at 90% paper reduction, saving more than 100,000 pages annually, during the hazardous waste tracking and reporting process. This is another great example of our digitization initiatives that contribute to our net-zero pledge!

#Paperreduction #savepaper #digitalinitiative #netzero #sustainability #WeareGeocycle