The business case for reducing ocean waste
As business leader, Geocycle joined WBCSD’s Roadmap for reducing Ocean Waste (ROW) program to galvanize the broader business community to prioritize ocean waste prevention.

The challenge
The issue of oceans pollution and plastic waste mismanagement is at the forefront of the global agenda, with the adoption of SDG 14 in September 2015. The first target under SDG 14, Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources, is directed at reducing marine pollution of all kind.
While exact estimates do not exist yet, the most widely quoted figures state that at least 80% of ocean plastic comes from land-based sources. Further, in the absence of meaningful interventions, the world’s ocean will contain roughly one ton for every three tons of fish by 2025.
The business solution
For all businesses who have identified the relevance of the Ocean Waste to their business and look for the right collaboration partners in a specific region (Indonesia, India, Mediterranean, Africa, other).
ROW enables industry action, to develop and implement the right, systemic solutions in various regions around the globe and amplifies the impact from local initiatives.
We will leverage best practices and knowledge globally and facilitating the move from local pilot projects to global scale up.
First phase of project completed
The first phase of the project has been completed by issuing the "business case". We are very much looking forward to get into action and contribute to the reduction of ocean waste together with other industry leaders.