Geocycle France

At a glance

At Geocycle France we have been working in waste management for more than 30 years, providing tailor made solutions for a variety of industrial sectors.

A dedicated team located all across France is dedicated to your circular economy projects.

In 2021, Geocycle France managed over 600 000 tons of industrial wastes, and over 7,6 millions tons of construction and demolition wastes.

Our expertise

A dedicated team of 50 employees present throughout France: technical contacts, labs, engineers, sales representatives to ensure legal compliance, security, and respect for the environment.

We ensure traceability of the services, in full compliance with regulation

We process your waste in complete safety

We manage your waste with respect to the environment

We offer you local and sustainable solutions adapted to your needs


Through co-processing, Waste is simultaneously recycled and recovered in the cement manufacturing process. This process does not generate any residue. Read more HERE

Co-processing is recognised as Best Available Practices for waste treatment by the ADEME ( French Environmental Agency) , European Commission and UNEP.


The waste streams

Mineral waste
Contaminated soil, construction and demolition waste, waste containing iron and aluminum.


Dried sewage sludge, animal meal, waste wood, impregnated sawdust.


Other solids
Non-recyclable plastics, textiles, tires.


Liquid and pasty waste
Solvents, polluted water, waste oils, emulsions, resins, paints.


Our solutions for mineral waste

Geocycle offers a wide range of services for the management and recovery of your mineral wastes:

• Reception and recovery of inert materials from earthmoving and demolition sites: K3, K3 +, TN +. 
• Treatment by gridding on site. 
• Inerting of polluted soils and sediments , by fixing the organic and inorganic pollutants with hydraulic binders and dedicated reagents , for purpose of inert or objective compliance with management plant.

Certifications & accreditation

We work with an Integrated Management System certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. These certifications also show Geocycle’s long-term commitment to improve the occupational health and safety, quality of service and environmental protection.


11.2024 Geocycle France opens its very first platform dedicated to the treatment of impacted soils in Guerville (78) 
● A new treatment platform for soils and non-inert construction waste has opened in Yvelines. 
● With a production capacity of 100 kt per year, the platform offers its services for all types of earthworks and public works projects in the Western Paris region. 
● Geocycle France provides a comprehensive range of solutions: reception of non-inert soils and mineral waste from construction and public works, and material recovery of impacted soils in cement plants.


Geocycle France
2 avenue du Général de Gaulle
92148 Clamart Cedex
+33 1 58 00 60 00
